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AUGUST 11 - AUGUST 18, 2015

Fruitbelt Follies

By Jonathan WellintonFidrych III

August 11, 2015


An insignificant group of misguided and delusional supporters of the run down, high crime, dilapidated area of Buffalo known as the "Fruitbelt" attempted a meaningless public demonstration Tuesday morning.   If you, like me, avoid such neighborhoods, the Fruitbelt is a bunch of obsolete streets directly east of the magnificent Buffalo Niagara Medical Center (BNMC).   Apparently its name is based on a jumble of streets named after trees.  (How silly.)    This "demonstration," based in the sinister Moot Community Center on High Street, consisted of no more than a dozen old (and decidedly inexpensive) automobiles being parked about, festooned with balloons and signs demanding a "Community Benefit Agreement."   The purported purpose of this event was to send a message to the BNMC that the local hick residents have "rights" and refuse to be overwhelmed by this splendid centerpiece of the economic renaissance of Western New York.

What is wrong with these people?    Can't they see our cranes on the skyline?   Have they fallen on their heads and think they are living in the 1960s?   Don't they understand that this free enterprise/profits based development guarantees a better way of life for all of us?

WE are the job creators.   WE are the shakers and movers.   WE are the people who, as the Buffalo News obediently reports, make things happen.   Following this pathetic protest, a press conference was held at which attendees were subjected to interminable whining concerning lack of access to resident's driveways and being required to carry groceries blocks to homes due to the lack of street parking spaces taken up by BNMC employees.   If these people had the sense to move to a decent neighborhood, none of their self-imposed suffering would occur.   There was also an enormous amount of bellyaching that these "poor disadvantaged " folk, most of whom have lived in the neighborhood for less than 100 years, somehow have a right to some consideration as they attempt to block societal progress.  

Wake up!   Deal with it people!   WE are coming and you are leaving.   Money goes where it wants to go.    Did you see our police patrolling and documenting your behavior?    Did you use your cell phones?   We heard and recorded it all.   Don't you understand the Golden Rule:  Those who have the Gold make the Rules.  No amount of foolish prattle from your politician minister with the funny name (Daryl Priggett?) or any other local politicians will deter us.   Your fate was sealed decades ago.   Ignore the nonsensical comments for the Ivy League white liberals who infest the Elmwood Village.   The shadow organizations which employ them (PUSH, Open Buffalo, etc.) are funded by US.    They won't delay us a minute.   Community Benefit Agreement?    WE already have OUR Billionaire Benefit Agreement.

Come to your senses.   Start packing now and move to the next ring of substandard housing within your paltry economic grasp.   Take the wise advice of our man Matt Enstice, President and CEO of the BNMC, start using mass transit.   (Who said you people had any right to use automobiles anyway?)    You are powerless.   WE are not afraid of you.   Stop complaining and move out of OUR way.   WE own the Governor.   WE own the state legislature.   WE own the US Congress and Senate.   WE own the judges.    WE own it all.   It is OUR game.   WE never lose.  Come to your senses, stop your television nonsense, save your balloon and sign money.   Just go away.    Your day in the Fruitbelt is over and the great new future WE planned is inevitable.   If you think a few cars on your streets are inconvenient, just wait until you see we what is coming next.    So go, get thee away.    Resistance is futile.   You will be assimilated.

Jonathan Wellinton-Fydrych III is a founding member and the intellectual leader of the much loved Buffalo Billionaires for Wealthcare, the Spaulding Lake based local chapter of the nationally acclaimed, who "at all costs, .... are dedicated to preserving the vast wealth of Americans who are absurdly rich."   The Buffalo Billionaires maintain an active Facebook page to keep their adherents up to date on current topics.   JWF III spearheaded the Vacate Buffalo movement which cleared the rabble from Niagara Square and is a vocal advocate of unlimited hydrofracking and enormous grants of government funds to wealthy local job creators.   He coined in phrase "We are the .99%," champions the beloved Citizens United Supreme Court decision and regularly attends Bolshevik led protest/demonstrations to correct the liberal media in its biased coverage of such frip frappery. 






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POB 3083, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14304
Phone: (716) 284-5595

Publisher and Editor in Chief: Frank Parlato
Managing Editor: Dr. Chitra Selvaraj
Senior Editor: Tony Farina