Grandinetti posted this message on her Facebook.
Grandinetti, a teacher of children about the age of the little girl shown above, just adores putting vulgarities in little girls’ mouths. One wonders if it is only on videos and cartoons. Does it carry into the classroom? |
Council member Kristen Grandinetti posted a video of 6-year-old girls being scripted to say “f*ck” to make a point about women. Is it a good cause, or child abuse? Either way it is a cynical ploy to direct six year old girls to swear on camera in order to sell T-shirts. |
Grandinetti is a staunch member of Planned Parenthood. It was founded by racist Margaret Sanger. |
Here is the full text that Kristen Grandinetti, city council member and kindergarten teacher, posted on her Facebook page on Thursday, April 30 at 9:58am, quite possibly from her classroom during school hours, at the Harry F. Abate Elementary School.
"It troubles me on a daily basis that our School District is so careless as to ignore the data, and continue to refuse COMPREHENSIVE SEX ED to our students. Buffalo is getting on board and Toronto too. We can pretend our children are not engaging in risky behavior, but they are. They are also having oral and anal sex to avoid pregnancy, and spreading disease at alarming rates.
Those of you who stand in judgement about Abortion rights... Agree to educate our children so they can be safe and healthy and avoid unwanted pregnancy. I am tired of my students having to pay the price for our ignorance. It is borderline criminal."
We wonder how the district's alleged inefficient sex education program could possibly rise to the level of "criminal" in its administration.
Assuming that Grandinetti is correct (and we have no idea what makes her an expert on sex education) in her assessment that the school district's program is failing the students, how could such a bureaucratic failure rise to a level of criminality?
The Reporter has zero credentials when it comes to evaluating sex education programs or any other school programming for that matter.
But we do know that the school district's policy is not criminal or borderline criminal since the district follows the New York State curriculum on sex education for students.
The Reporter learned that Grandinetti attempted to have Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, supply instructors to teach the sex education classes for the district.
The district already has certified New York State certified sex-ed teachers and declined Grandinetti's offer.
Whether she likes it or not, the elected School Boards of Niagara Falls, since the 1980's, have been conservative and consistently voted to stress abstinence rather than make a de facto acquiescence of promiscuity and hand out condoms to children.
Whether Grandinetti seeks, or would accept a position, as administrator of a new comprehensive sex-ed program guided by the ideals of Planned Parenthood is something not known as of press time.
We do know that Grandinetti is devoted to the cause of Planned Parenthood and hosts an annual "Rockin' For Choice" event at Wine on Third where revelers eat, drink, dance and make merry to the music of the Tune Babes (no the band's name is not intended as a slight at the many people think abortion kills innocent babies) in celebration of the choice that has allowed more than one million women annually in America to chose to abort their pregnancies. All monies raised at the party go to Planned Parenthood of Western New York where Grandinetti serves as an officer.
Grandinetti won Planned Parenthood's 2009 William B. Hoyt Advocacy for Choice Award for her "outstanding public commitment and integrity to the preservation of reproductive freedom and women's rights."