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Breaking News… Animals missing…

Based on the Niagara Falls Reporter’s expose on the conditions at the Cattaraugus County SPCA (CCSPCA) published this morning, Kennel manager, Ryan Bordner informs us that the CCSPCA are removing sick and dying animals from the shelter in order to avoid cruelty allegations.

Bordner who was quoted in the Reporter article said he was fired today because he was a whistle blower.

A group of activists, led by Morgan Dunbar, who wrote the expose, are in route to the CCSPCA to protest the sudden removal of animals, many of whom have been confined for years in the alleged No-Kill facility.

Dunbar says the group is prepared to both picket and do a sit in – actually blocking the road.

“This is civil disobedience,” Dunbar said. “The fate of these animals, who are in desperate need of attention, is, based on previous history, grim. We are going there to prevent them from being killed.” 

See also:



Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com Sep 05 , 2012