Restaino, Higgins, Unveil $1.69 Million in Federal Funds to Respond and Prevent COVID-19

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Congressman Brian Higgins.


By: Staff Reporter

Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) and City of Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino were joined by Niagara Falls Housing Authority Director Clifford Scott and other municipal and community leaders to announce plans to deploy federal emergency funding in the City of Niagara Falls for COVID relief, response and prevention.

Higgins said, “These allocations allow for locally-driven decision making on how federal resources can best be used to help communities during this pandemic. The need is urgent and great. We commend Niagara Falls for taking swift action. And we are continuing to fight for the additional funding Niagara Falls and Western New York needs and deserves for response to this national public health emergency.”


Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino.


“The City of Niagara Falls appreciates the efforts of Congressman Higgins in helping us to provide much needed financial assistance to agencies that have been on the front line helping some of the most vulnerable during the pandemic,” said Mayor Restaino. “This aid will allow these agencies to continue the important work they do for city residents. Congressman Higgins has continued to be a strong advocate for the needs of the residents in Niagara Falls and I thank him for his continues advocacy.”


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