OPINION: One Week After Town of Clarence Incident and No Charges Begs Question…Why

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By: Karen Columbo

Opinion of a Concerned Citizen

It has been one week since the incident in Clarence occurred involving a teenager who was allegedly beaten, spit on, and thrown out of a window. Since that time, the Erie County Sheriff’s Office has issued two statements regarding the incident.


This is a screenshot from the video showing a moment when the teenage victim was being kicked repeatedly.


“Our agency is working diligently on the Clarence case from last weekend,” wrote the Erie County Sheriff’s Office. “Since first receiving a call about the incident, the Sheriff has assigned multiple Deputies and Detectives to the case. Over the last several days, the Sheriff’s Office has talked to the victim, subjects, and to parents or guardians. The law enforcement professionals assigned to the case have learned much about the incident. However, the Sheriff’s Office cannot discuss topics surrounding the incident because of the continuing investigation.”


Here is a screenshot from when the teenager was crying and begging for the beating to stop after being intoxicated by his attackers.


Seven days after the incident, no arrests have been made which begs one question. Why?

There is no debate that the images of the video made and then widely disseminated on social media are extremely disturbing. There is no question that this boy was beaten to the point he was bloodied. Don’t take my word for it, though. Just watch the video which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/niagaraaction/videos/757516221517576. However, viewer discretion is advised.


The moment when the teenage victim was picked up and carried to a window.


There is no excuse for slow police work when there is such clear and irrefutable proof that a crime – a heinous crime – was committed.

I pray for justice on behalf of this young boy.


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