Joint Statement on Leadership Summit from NF Mayor Restaino and NC Legislature Chair Wydysh

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By: Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino and Niagara County Legislature Chair Becky Wydysh

On Monday, February 24th, 2020, leadership teams from the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara County met to discuss how we can better work together to advance our collective interests. We acknowledged that with new leadership in the city and county, we hoped this could be the beginning of a very productive relationship.

While we discussed several issues, the conversation kept coming back to economic development and the resources and programs the county’s Center for Economic Development had that could help Niagara Falls. All agreed that a rejuvenated economy in the city was great for all of Niagara County and would mean new jobs and tax revenue to everyone’s benefit.

The immediate action items following the meeting include the county providing the city a detailed presentation on its wide array economic development functions and the city providing the county with asset information, particularly in areas that are to be targeted for development. “

The leadership teams agreed to reconvene after these initial steps are complete to further coordinate economic development efforts and to discuss additional areas of cooperation.


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