Erie County Sheriff’s Investigating Incident at Party Where Victim Was Beaten & Thrown Out 2nd-Floor Window

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By: Staff Reporter

A disturbing video is making the rounds on social media of a teenager allegedly being beat up and thrown out of a window by other individuals.

The Erie County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating an incident where individuals believed to be teenagers allegedly got another person drunk and then proceeded to beat him and drop him out of a second-story window.

This video is being disseminated on Snapchat by other children.

The victim is alive but suffered a cracked skull among other injuries.

The full video can be found below. However, viewer discretion is advised.



According to a source close to the victim’s family, it is alleged that the victim had consensual sex with a female at this gathering but that she then told others that it was rape. The victim and his family have denied this claim and stated that any sexual encounter was consensual. As alleged, this would mean that the aggressors got the victim drunk, beat him up, and then dumped him out of a second-story window to punish him for allegedly raping a female friend.

The Niagara Reporter is continuing to investigate the incident.

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