CORSARO: Together We Will Win the Battle & Make a Difference

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By: Candace Corsaro

Candidate for Niagara Falls City Council

Born and raised in Niagara Falls my parents: Clifton and Anne ( Eodice)  Van Epps. I am the middle of six children with family members with Union and Military background. I attended local schools.  In 1964-1968 I attended Trott Vocational High School and obtained my New York State License in Cosmetology to follow in my mothers footsteps and opened a number of salons in our city.  I am a mother of three fantastic children and a grandmother to six wonderful children.

What I’ve heard while talking with residents and business owners is that we all want safe and affordable neighborhoods, and share a vision of our City with a thriving business base community where common-sense and responsible development enhances our quality of life.

I will work diligently to ensure that your voice is a part of the decision making process. Holding public hearings at City Hall isn’t enough. For those community members with children, or who work third shift or who are homebound, I will create opportunities to ensure that you have a voice in to help shaping the direction of our City.

With the combination of my extensive experience an along with qualified residents and personnel in local and state government, WE will make measured decisions that keep our neighborhoods safe, unique, and affordable. As a city council member, I plan to form committees made up of residents from all of our neighborhoods.  These committees will provide a well rounded group of representatives of the diverse needs of our city. I will also ensure our community has the tools it needs to address growing safety concerns. 

I will knock on many doors to get input from community members about their needs from City government and about the concerns and ideas they have. NO… I can not and will not be controlled by anyone.  I am running because I am tired and disgusted with where we are and afraid of where we are going along with promises that are not keep, as many of you are..

I believe that if you want to run for office and represent your community, you have an obligation to meet your community members.  Good government puts people first, and you can’t do that without putting in the legwork to hear their voices.

We need to run our city in a way that addresses the needs of the many, not a few. We need to follow the rules, city charter and the protocols set forth by our city government. We need to build our business and create jobs, City government has promised but we are getting NO where. Our businesses are suffering when they should be thriving.  Our neighborhoods should be safe and YOU not afraid to leave your home, we need to address our blighted areas and vacancies.

 We have had many years of false promises and a blundering city government. Our city is on the verge of a control board.  The residents have LOST confidence in our leadership and will not be reassured. We demand constructive leadership.

IT is TIME!   We set the political parties aside and work together to accomplish our needs. Not one person can accomplish these goals.  My qualifications and my desires are plentiful to help mold our city into the next century.

Here are just some of my accomplishments 

Real Estate Agent for over 15 years to present

Owned and operated business’s since 1968 in Niagara Falls

2017-18 Governor of New York State Kiwanis International 

 Served on the Niagara Falls City Assessors Board

President of US Federal Government Weed and Seed program for crime (past)

Continue to support our Citizens, Business’s, Fire and Police Departments, and our Unions.

Former President of the Niagara Falls Block club council

Former member of Niagara Falls Beautification committee

President of the Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls

Board of Director for Niagara Falls Community Memorial Day Parade

Join our TEAM!  To turn our City around: I am asking for your support to be your voice as your new City Council member.

Please join us on Tuesday January 29th, 2019 at 6pm: JR’s Stone Room, Niagara Falls Ice Pavilion 911 Robbins Drive, Niagara Falls NY for my formal announcement and fund raiser. Cost $25.00 pr. Person. 

Contributions may also be sent to and made out: Committee to Elect- Candace Corsaro.  c/o 1323 Pine Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14303

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