Painters Plus Seeking Applications for 9th Annual Project Hope

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

On August 31st a lucky homeowner in North Tonawanda will get their house painted and spruced up. The best part, it’s for free!

It’s all part of the 9th annual Project Hope campaign, which stands for “Helping Others Paint Exteriors.”  The event is held by Painters Plus Home Decorating and members of the Chamber of Commerce. 

The winner will have their home pressure washed, primed and painted at no cost to them. People picked for the program are a person or family member that is either disabled, elderly, suffering financial hardships or a veteran. Last year, for the first time, two homes were picked; one in Tonawanda and one in North Tonawanda. 

“It’s such an amazing way to give back to the community,” said owner of Painters Plus Jesse Gooch. “This is going to be our ninth year helping families and each year it seems to get bigger and bigger.” 

Applicants for Project Hope can be submitted three ways:

(1) online at www.PaintersPlus.US

(2) Mail a letter to Painters Plus at 800 Walck Road, North Tonawanda, New York 14120

(3) Pick up and application at North Tonawanda City Hall or the Chamber of Commerce Office

Applicants are asked to write a short paragraph about themselves and to explain their hardship or situation. They area also asked to provide a photograph of the house and a way in which they can be contacted.

The deadline for submissions is August 16th, 2019. 


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