Judicial Watch: Food-Stamp Recipients Can Order from Amazon, Other Online Retailers

(Editor’s Note: Judicial Watch Inc., America’s leading watchdog group, is led by Tom Fitton, who corresponds weekly with The Reporter and other media, keeping us updated on their initiatives. Our readers are invited to visit their website at www.judicialwatch.org and aid the organization through a generous contribution.) 

Food-Stamp Recipients Can Order from Amazon, Other Online Retailers

Food-stamp recipients can use their taxpayer-funded benefit to order online from retailers like Amazon under a new Obama administration initiative that aims to facilitate the shopping experience for rural and urban residents. It marks the latest of many costly experiments by the administration to expand the fraud-infested program, which has seen a record-high number of beneficiaries under President Barack Obama. To eliminate the welfare stigma, the administration renamed food stamps Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the rolls swelled to an astounding 46.5 million in 2016. This cost American taxpayers and eye-popping $70 billion, according to government figures.


Another Obama Administration Email Scandal

Many officials in the Obama administration, and not just Hillary Clinton, improperly used personal email accounts to conduct official business. And we are concerned that they will destroy these emails when they leave office this month.

For that reason, we asked a federal court to preserve the personal email accounts of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and other top officials. We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking agency records in the personal email accounts used by Secretary Johnson, Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Chief of Staff Christian Marrone, and General Counsel Stevan Bunnell to conduct official government business (Judicial Watchv U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:16-cv-00967)).

Judge Randolph D. Moss held a court hearing this week on whether to issue a preservation order for the non-.gov emails of Johnson, Mayorkas and Bunnell because their departure from government service is anticipated and Homeland Security will no longer have any control over these individuals.

I told reporters after the hearing that Obama administration was creating another “Hillary Clinton-type email disaster with eyes wide open.”  As with the Clinton emails, Judicial Watch is on the case and our attorneys will try to use the courts to enforce the rule of law and preserve your right to know.

Jihadists Plan Attack from Mexican Border State 

A Jihadi-cartel alliance in the Mexican state of Nuevo León is collaborating to carry out attacks in American cities and ports of entry along the southern border, according to intelligence obtained by Judicial Watch from confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources. As part of the plan, militant Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border.

An internal Mexican law enforcement report obtained by Judicial Watch confirms that Islamic terrorists have “people along the border, principally in Tijuana, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.” Cartel informants tell law enforcement contacts that “they are only waiting for the order and the times to carry out a simultaneous attack in the different ports of entry or cities of the United States of America.” Drug cartels have a working “agreement” with Islamic terrorists, according to a high-ranking Mexican police administrator, who said that men from the Middle East arrive regularly into the country to “train” jihadists.

An ISIS training camp (exists)  in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, just a few miles from El Paso, Texas.

Earlier this year Judicial Watch obtained State Department documents showing that for more than a decade the U.S. government has known that “Arab extremists” are entering the country through Mexico with the assistance of smuggling network “cells.” In 2015 Judicial Watch reported exclusively that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small Texas rural town near El Paso and they’re using remote farm roads—rather than interstates—to elude the Border Patrol and other law enforcement barriers. The foreigners are classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and they are being transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20.

I encourage you to read the Corruption Chronicles report on the systematic bribing of DHS agents who allow drugs and illegal aliens to enter our country through El Paso.

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