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Mystery Grows in Gates Murder

Death Caused by Multiple Stab Wounds

The silence is deafening as it surrounds the unsolved murder of Loretta Jo Gates, the 30-year-old mother of three whose dismembered torso was found in the lower Niagara River on August 29. Her head and arm were later found in Hype Park Lake on September 9.

The Niagara Falls Reporter has learned that, despite the extremes taken to mutilate and hide her body, the cause of death was multiple stab wounds, according to her death certificate. Family and police sources confirm she was stabbed up to 40 times by her killer.

Her gathered remains were laid to rest on September 28 in the Town of Cambria. The family held a fundraising benefit for her children this past weekend that was sponsored in part by the Reporter.

The Reporter has also learned, though a series of interviews with family members, friends, police sources and possible suspects, that police have been busy. Whoever did this foul deed, although it may have been a crime of rage or passion, apparently made substantial efforts to cover up his or her crime after the fact.

One suspect was detained by police for eight hours. Forensic tests were made on a car that fit a description of an automobile Gates was reportedly seen inside of the night of her disappearance.

A search was conducted in at least one home and a check of the blades of certain power saws were also made. The results of these tests have not been made public, but it is believed they did not turn up evidence that linked this individual to the crime.
As of press time no arrests have been made.

Someone with the mental depravity to kill another human being, to stab her multiple times, continues to walk the streets. Such savagery, such brutality, is very real and among the people of this region.

This is a case that demands resolution. It cannot sit unsolved. Public safety, peace of mind, and. particularly, justice, call for nothing else.



Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com Oct 02 , 2012