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Who are they and what are they doing?

The Niagara Falls Water Authority is seeking to find out the identity of a whistle blower who took pictures of illegally stored frack water. They should be actually conducting another kind of probe and release the results to the public: How frack water got into the plant? Why was it there months after it became illegal? What was done with it while it was there, who handled it, was it tested, what were the test results, by whom and how was it removed and what proof do we have that it was actually removed or properly handled from arrival to departure?

Why haven't the pro frackers ever to this day held a press conference, identified themselves, written a guest view, went on the local radio or cable?

Should we look for fracking interests to fund some city council candidates next year ... candifracks ...frackidates?

If they can get a council majority, void the frack ordinance and there you are...

The plan of some at the water authority was that, once New York passed the law to allow fracking, the Niagara Falls treatment plant would accept waste water from fracking, treat it here and discharge it in the Niagara River with most of the poisonous chemicals removed.

Drof told the Reporter, "Whether (hydrofracking wastewater) could be treated successfully at publicly-owned treatment works or privately-owned treatment works, that's for New York State to determine. (but) no wastewater treatment plant puts out drinking-quality water…. It is treated to a point where it is considered to not be environmentally harmful."

The good news is that most of the people who want to pay to have fracking water treated in Niagara Falls do not get their drinking water from the Niagara River. They happily live in other places so they will not be affected by toxic chemicals that will creep into the Niagara.



Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com Oct 30, 2012