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Flushing down taxpayer dollars –$10,000 spent on message urinals

By Tom Colburn

This is honestly the best idea we’ve heard for spending taxpayer dollars since someone came up with paying college grads to live in Niagara Falls

In an effort to prevent drunk driving, the Michigan State Police used $10,000 in federal funds to purchase 400 talking urinal cakes.

Urinal cakes are typically used only to freshen receptacles. Cleverly named Wizmark, a Maryland-based company invented the Interactive Urinal Communicator, which has a motion-detector. As men approach the urinal, the device plays a recording.
Nearly 200 bars and restaurants received the cakes from the state transportation department in hopes the device would “generate a conversation” among male bar-goers and their friends.

For the male Michiganders relieving themselves, one of the messages read by a female voice coming from the urinal says:
“Listen up. That’s right! I’m talking to you. Had a few drinks? Maybe a few too many? Then do yourself and everyone else a favor. Call a sober friend or a cab. Oh, and don’t forget. Wash your hands.”

The top of the urinal cake features text that says “Call a Ride. Get Home.”

In response to hearing a demo of the urinal accessory, one man said, “Wow! That is disgusting.”

“It’s a waste of money, because it’ll be a joke,” said another local.

Purchasing professional breathalyzers for local bars would have been a more effective way for the state to curb drunk driving. Professional U.S. Department of Transportation-tested devices are available on Amazon.com for under $100.



Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com Oct 30, 2012