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The Reporter is now being distributed in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

We keep growing.

And the demand is persistent. People are calling or writing and asking, “Where can I get the Niagara Falls Reporter in Ontario?”

We began at Mark De Marco’s Old Emporium and Pawn Shop and his Evel Knieval Museum on Victoria Avenue. People started coming to grab our paper.

We expanded to 50 locations - a small start for sure. For there are many people in Niagara Falls, Ontario who like to keep abreast of the doings of the city with the same name in New York and have a drink, or a laugh, or perhaps send a prayer in the direction of their weak-sister city, a city so impecunious that, despite having one of the greatest, most famous attractions in the world, and perhaps the greatest natural source of hydro power, they are among Americas’ poorest. A feat that shall be long remembered in the annals of bad governance and passive behavior.

“Though there may be another country in the neighborhood so close that the people are in sight of each other and the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs in one place can be heard in the other, yet there is no similarity between them and throughout their lives the two peoples have nothing to do with each other.”

The Reporter soon hopes to help change that and to report on the doings of the good folks in Niagara Falls, Ontario and to perhaps inspire the city on the New York side to wake up and be prosperous.

To think and grow rich.

Sometimes all it takes is a kick in the backside.

Sometimes a pat on the back.

And what’s the difference between a pat on the back and a kick in the rear?

About six inches.

Or in the case of cities called Niagara Falls, about half a mile, across a river.



Niagara Falls Reporter www.niagarafallsreporter.com

Dec 04 , 2012